Principles of Transparency
IJOSCIENCE is committed to fair and ethical publication policies. We adhere to publication ethics, policy, guidance laid by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
Our website is audited on a bi-annual basis, checking for non-functioning links, misspelling, grammatical errors and content accuracy. Additionally, IJOSCIENCE authors and readers are encouraged to report any website errors or inaccuracies, which are promptly evaluated and corrected as needed. Reach us at
- Name of journal:
The name of our journal is “SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJOSCIENCE” and the abbreviation of the journal is (IJOSCIENCE)
- Aims and Scope for publication:
The primary objective of IJOSCIENCE is to offer an online open-access platform for international researchers.
IJOSCIENCE publish their research papers on all aspects of computer science, artificial intelligence, computer networks, computer graphics and multimedia, software systems, big data analytics, data management, data mining, theory, algorithms, Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Physics and more.
- Peer review process
Please click on the below link to find our Peer review process
- Ownership and management
SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJOSCIENCE is published by SMART MOVES publication, Bhopal, India. Smart Moves is the publishing house that was established in the year 2012. Mr. Rajeev Tiwari is the sole proprietor/owner of Smart Moves. Mr Rajeev Tiwari (name of a person) is the proprietor/owner of Smart Moves. SMART MOVES is a for-profit publishing organisation.
- Governing body
IJOSCIENCE editorial board members are recognized experts in the subject areas included within the journal's scope. The purpose of the editorial board is to consult with IJOSCIENCE management regarding publication policies and procedures.
- Editorial team/contact information:
Please click on the below link to find our Editorial board details
- Copyright and Licensing
Please click on the below link to find our Copyright and Licensing policy
- Author fees:
Please click on the below link to find our author’s fee details
- Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
Please click on the below link to find our
- Publication Ethics:
Please click on the below link to find details of our Publication Policy
- Publishing schedule
IJOSCIENCE is publishing the journal with a monthly frequency.
- Access
IJELLH is an Open Access Journal. For more details please click on the below link:
- Archiving
IJOSCIENCE is preserving published manuscripts with PKP PN ensuring that the content will be secure and available into the future. PKP PN functions as a “dark archive”. PKP has developed the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve OJS journals. The LOCKSS program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.
- Revenue sources
Publication Fee
SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJOSCIENCE is an Open Access journal and we don’t receive any grant from any organization or we do not have any kind of funding source to meet our expenses, hence we charge USD 500$ from our authors as Article Processing Charge (APC). There is no extra fee for the co-author. We may provide a discount on case to case basis.
- Advertising
Advertising is not accepted on the IJOSCIENCE website.
- Direct marketing:
We send Call for papers, email to our subscribers.