Overview of Hybrid Energy Solar Systems


  • Sanyam Indurkhya
  • Shravan Vishwakarma




Microgrids, hybrid energy systems, photovoltaics, Distributed generation systems.


Reduced coal usage has resulted in the assimilation of the more renewable energy systems in latest electric power systems for a variety of reasons.Renewable Energy resources are playing most significant role in the developing countries. Solar energy and wind energy This work basically presents the basic overview of the Hybrid Energy Systems (HESs) which are utilized for inserting reactive power.


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Author Biographies

Sanyam Indurkhya

M.Tech Scholar

Truba Institute of Engineering &Information Technology

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Shravan Vishwakarma

Assistant Professor

Truba Institute of Engineering &Information Technology

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India


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How to Cite

Indurkhya, S. ., & Vishwakarma, S. (2021). Overview of Hybrid Energy Solar Systems. SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJOSCIENCE, 7(6), 43–48. https://doi.org/10.24113/ijoscience.v7i6.447


