A Review Paper to Improve The Security of Mobile Ad HOC Networks For Energy-Saving System on Wormhole Detection and Prevention


  • Md. Imran Ansari
  • Ashish Chourey


An overview of mobile ad hoc networks, security issues, and various attack types is provided in this study. Additionally, wormholes are linked by MANET as a serious thread that has been successfully separated from the network in question.  Wormhole attacks are seen as a major risk to multi-hop ad hoc networks' security. Wormhole attacks include the attacker creating a tunnel from one network end to another, with nodes at either end assuming the role of genuine neighbors and gaining access to the discussion through the wormhole link. Worm hole attacks, in contrast to many other ad hoc routing attacks, cannot be stopped by cryptographic methods since hackers modify or generate new packages before they are discovered. This paper proposes a straightforward method for efficiently detecting wormhole attacks without the need for specialized hardware, location, or timing of the strict requirements. The suggested method offered a hybrid model that combined location-assisted route analysis with route redundancy using a graphical-based system. In order to identify whether a wormhole is present, this technique uses routing variation between neighbors. Simulations for various wormhole node distributions and connection models have been used to test the method.


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Author Biographies

Md. Imran Ansari

MTech Scholar

 Sagar, Institute of Research & Technology

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Ashish Chourey

Assistant Professor

Sagar, Institute of Research & Technology

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India



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How to Cite

Ansari, M. I., & Chourey, A. (2024). A Review Paper to Improve The Security of Mobile Ad HOC Networks For Energy-Saving System on Wormhole Detection and Prevention. SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJOSCIENCE, 10(1), 1–6. Retrieved from http://ijoscience.com/index.php/ojsscience/article/view/531


