About the Journal

Publication Model 

SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJOSCIENCE is an Open Access journal and we don’t receive any grant by any organization, hence we ask our authors to pay Article Processing Charge (APC). APC covers the expense of the administrative cost, the peer review process, publication processes, online publication, hosting the website, online security (virus attack), etc. An author will be asked to pay the publication fee along with the acceptance letter.

Authors paying fees do not mean that the process would be curtailed short or they can get their publication fast.  SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJOSCIENCE does not compromise with its quality standards.  We do not accept any fee unless a manuscript meets its set benchmarks or standards.  This fee is only charged to meet the publication expense requirements.  

Ownership Statement

SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJOSCIENCE  is published by SMART MOVES publications, Bhopal, M.P., India. SMART MOVES (organisation name) is a registered organisation in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. Smart Moves is a publishing house that was established in the year 2012. Mr Rajeev Tiwari (name of a person) is the proprietor/owner of Smart Moves. SMART MOVES is a for-profit publishing organisation.


Please find the link to our publisher website SMART MOVES

Smart Moves is publishing research papers in order to enable online platforms to reach the international research fraternity. Smart Moves also publishes books in both formats, ebooks and print mode.

We are publishing four open-access online journals Please find details below-  



