Open Access Policy

Doi :

In the digital and internet age, everybody looks for the material which is widely available without any restriction or any kind of financial charges. Open Access is a policy, which provides the full rights to the users to access and use the research work free of cost. The journal follows the same policy and provides complete access to its published material.  Users are allowed to read, copy, download, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without taking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. Authors, researchers, and scholars are permitted to scroll through our published research work database and use them for scholarly purposes as a reference. 

Copyright at IJOSCIENCE

IJOSCIENCE follows an Open Journal Access policy. Authors retain the copyright of the original work and grant the rights of publication to the publisher with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY License that allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. Authors are permitted to post their work in institutional repositories, social media or other platforms. 

As we ethically and legally support only plagiarism-free material and content of the article, we are equally concerned about the quality of the images.  We do encourage our authors to use only original images with full copyright holdings. If you do not want to spend money on images, then use royalty-free images.  The images should be original, alteration free and free of any kind of software manipulation. All the materials (content, images, data, and tables) used in the article must be plagiarism free and should also be free of any copyright issues.  We strictly advise our authors and readers against the use of infringing material of any kind, which may create a legal issue or problem later on in the future.  

Copyright issues can only be raised against the use of copyrighted content, images or only if the content is not cited properly. As a publishing house, we have a policy not to use the copyrighted content without the owner's permission. We suggest our authors to search and download images from the following below-mentioned web sites. They have millions of copyright-free images which you can use. You can even use images from Wikipedia if necessary.